The construction of Western Sydney Airport will commence in 2018. The contract for project management and technical support will be awarded mid to late October 2017. With numerous types of skills required there will be a need to relocate people and project teams for the duration of the project. Astra Apartments Liverpool are perfectly positioned to provide corporate housing and temporary accommodation for people working at the airport site.
The total jobs needed during the construction phase is expected to be 11,346. Initially, the biggest need for jobs at Western Sydney Airport will be in construction, supporting over 4,400 direct and indirect jobs.
Manufacturing (around 1,200 jobs) and retail (around 1,050 jobs) will continue to be significant employers at the airport and will support construction efforts and workers on site, as will the professional, administrative, transport and warehousing, and financial sectors (around 2,100 jobs combined).
In addition to ongoing construction needs at the airport, a number of NSW Government infrastructure projects, such as the planned Sydney Metro West and Parramatta Light Rail, mean that construction jobs would be available in Western Sydney well after initial construction on the Stage 1 airport is finished.
When construction jobs will be needed. To give an idea of when jobs in specific construction areas will become available, it is useful to look at the job mix expected for construction on site. Site preparation activities, such as levelling the 22 million cubic metres of soil to make the airport site flat, will come first. Construction and engineering jobs for airport infrastructure will come after, including the construction of runways and roadways and building the terminal, business park and aviation support facilities. Civil engineering encompasses design and construction activities. Contract administration and support services include a range of services to support the construction effort, including installation and finishing, supervisory and management.
To find out how Astra Apartments can help with all your corporate accommodation needs contact us today